CIA atrocities
1. Statement by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) regarding assassination of Colombian farmer Elvira Cortes on rural road "La Palestina" (in Spanish)
2. 1976 Cubana de Aviacion bombing
3. Dresden 1999-2000 CIA operations
4. CIA - Irish Republican Army - Privatizations in Russia/ Ukraine/ other (former socialist) countries (Spanish, English and Russian)
(Refer to "About" page)
FARC-EP: Declaracion acerca el asesinato de Dona Elvira Cortes
ELN: Veneno contra la Paz
ANDAS: Accion Urgente por asesinato de una estudiante de Ciencias Sociales
EQUIPO NIZKOR: Desaparece una activista en DDHH
Tlahui-Politic 9 I/2000. Informacion enviada a Mario Rojas, Director de Tlahui. Colombia, a 25 de Mayo, 2000. COLOMBIA: Noticias. Declaracion publica de las FARC acerca el asesinato cruel de la dona Elvira Cortes
Condenamos categoricamente el brutal asesinato de la Senora Elvia Cortes Gil
Dirigido a los Medios de comunicacion Colombianos
Nosotros las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejercito del Pueblo, FARC- EP condenamos categoricamente el brutal asesinato de la Senora Elvia Cortes Gil ocurrido en la vereda La Palestina, municipio de Chiquinquira, Boyaca.
Negamos rotundamente que el hecho fuera cometido por alguno de los integrantes de nuestra organizacion, asi mismo exigimos la rectificacion de esta noticia en la cual se nos atribuye esta accion.
Volvemos a plantearle al pais la necesidad del derecho a la libertad de expresion y de informacion, pero sobre todo el derecho que tiene la sociedad a una informacion autentica y con responsabilidad social.
Este hecho en particular creemos que los periodistas deben al informar, tener la obligacion de asegurar la veracidad de los hechos sobre la base de un riguroso trabajo de investigacion y diferenciar escrupulosamente su opinion personal de la noticia para evitar confusion o en este caso darle voz a los enemigos de la paz.
Es totalmente irresponsable que un rumor se convierta en la aseveracion de los hechos sobretodo en el marco actual donde debe primar el interes de un pueblo que quiere construir un pais con justicia social
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejercito del Pueblo FARC- EP
Montanas de Colombia 16 de Mayo del 2000
In 1976 (adjacent Granma memorial inaugurated on December 1st, 1976) I practiced gymnastics on the floor above the Cuban national fencing team training facilities (national ballet school building in satellite photo, "About" page).
I have names of Cubans (some on the Island (former United Nations representative for example), others in exile) directly involved in the operation.
Uniformed French policemen and military used the bombing for biometric measurements and biotechnology satellite torture, photos and videos available.
Raul Castro Ruz implicated.
Below description taken from wikipedia:
Cubana Flight 455 was a Cubana flight from Barbados to Jamaica that was brought down by a blast on October 6, 1976. All 78 people on board the Douglas DC-8 aircraft were killed in what was then the most deadly terrorist airline attack in the Western hemisphere. Two time bombs were used, variously described as dynamite or C-4.
Evidence implicated several CIA-linked anti-Castro Cuban exiles and members of the Venezuelan secret police DISIP. Political complications quickly arose when Cuba accused the US government of being an accomplice to the bombing. CIA documents released in 2005 indicate that the agency "had concrete advance intelligence, as early as June 1976, on plans by Cuban exile terrorist groups to bomb a Cubana airliner." Former CIA operative Posada Carriles denies involvement but provides many details of the incident in his book "Caminos del Guerrero" (Way of the Warrior).
Four men were arrested in connection with the bombing and a trial was held in Venezuela: Freddy Lugo and Hernan Ricardo Lozano were sentenced to 20-year prison terms; Orlando Bosch was acquitted because of technical defects in the prosecution evidence, and lived in Miami, Florida until he died on the 27th of April, 2011; and Luis Posada Carriles was held for eight years while awaiting a final sentence, but eventually fled. He later entered the United States, where he was held on charges of entering the country illegally but released on April 19, 2007.
I can identify a man (who claimed to be an Irishman from Boston) that was posing as a costumer in a Dresden Bar named Tir Nagh Nogh on the eve of the Egypt Air Flight 990 crash.
A Cuban waitress named Alya participated in the operation; the bar was also implicated in:
- Armenian Parliament shooting
- Rwanda massacre
- David Trimble look-alike posing as a costumer, later in 2004 filmed in a Copenhagen cafe, videos and photos available
- Russian coal mine sabotage, reported as an accident
- Chechen war
Below VKontakte dialogue with supposed daughter of KGB officer (1988, Colonel, Mathematician (Statistician)) spanned from Dec. 15th to the 21st, 2014 and was possibly edited by a team of French military agents (which includes medical doctors) that have conducted experiments (torture) on "Arabs"/ foreigners (comprising me) in Paris, since 2008 (and obviously much earlier). Jews connected with EMC Co (men and women) were prying into the conversation with the support of the police, walking by, harassing, trying to influence my entries/ interpretations and (perhaps) build a "security" bridge with Cuba, in view of the recent decision by the Obama administration to lift the US embargo.
I decided to contact Yulya after harassment by aggressive Warsaw Jews (French "anti-terrorists"), one working in a front office (the Honorary Consulate of the Dominican Republic), another one posing as a receptionist of an international law firm (H L), who cut me off, indirectly adducing to the Dec. 4th 2014 commando operation in Grozny, Chechnya, in which gunmen seized an empty school and a publishing house, killing 14 policemen and wounding 36 on the day Vladimir Putin gave his State of the Union speech.
The pattern (arguable methods implemented/ flagrant police corruption/ timing/ French colonial policies/ amnesty given to military-paramilitary terrorists and international financial crooks) pointed to CIA individuals who had been implicated (from Dresden, Germany) in the September 1999 apartment building blasts in Russian cities and (from Paris) in the 2008 Russian - Georgian war. Uniformed Polish policemen afterwards part of satellite-attacks on brain near a Warsaw printing office/ public school (photos available) and French policemen (real time from Paris, videos and photos available) in late-evening December 26th satellite laser attacks, motivated, since 2006, by their need to fabricate a Cuban military government (1.: Algeria - Cuba; 2.: French woman named "Maud" living on Rue Bellier-Dedouvre (~2008) - her South American boyfriend - Security for French embassies/diplomats).
Years ago I had interpreted a comment made by Yulya in the eighties as a suggestion regarding former CIA director William Casey, and (lately, in connection with the shooting down? of the second Malaysian aircraft) his interrupted-by-hospitalization scheduled appearance in Congress concerning his knowledge of the Iran-Contras affair.
Explanations were sent by e-mail to member of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
--Start of message--
Subject: Leningrad 1988
To: **********
Date: 2014-12-27 03:24
Attachments: IMG42344-1.jpg (12 КБ), IMG42343-1.jpg (17 КБ)
Уважаемый *********:
Attached images are a Russian -speaking couple, the man is from India, who participate in brutal satellite torture. Both work in an illegal CIA prison on Wilcza Street. Employees of the embassy of South Africa in Warsaw are involved. This indian man has had access to illegal video made in the apartment of ********‘s family in ~1988. I do not know which technology was used. One of my roommates at that time was a personable Russian student named *****, who "happened to walk on the opposite direction, across the street, passing me by smiling without a word"(***), in Dresden 1999, before the September apartment buildings blasts/ Chechen ensuing events.
--End of message--
Also before NATO's "accidental" bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade
Embassy of Venezuela in Rome alerted by email:
--Start of message--
Subject: 2: Hay un problema serio con un grupo de parasitos cubanos
Date: 2014-12-27 12:12
Entre ellos está Candida Margarita Artime Peñeñori, una agente de la CIA activa en estos momentos. La policía francesa está implicada en terrorismo, inversiones en cuba a través de una multinacionale americana EMC Co y manipulación militar (Argelia - Cuba, Raúl Castro). Es una situación urgente, estos individuos y organizaciones mafioso-estatales estan fuera de control y no sujetas a ninguna juridiccion nacional o internacional.
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E-mail to Mr. Vitaly Zhurkin and other Russian academicians:
--Start of message--
Тема: Посольство в Варшаве
Дата: 2014-12-21 18:31
На прошлой неделе я оставил документы в Посольстве Республики Беларусь в Варшаве и поговорил с охраной и дипломатом. В нижеописанном контексте, готов попытаться ответить на любые вопросы касающиеся связи между политической карьерой В. Путина и ЦРУ, начиная c 1986 года.
Недалеко от Маарду, Эстонии, находится нелегальный французский военно-аналитический центр, который был замещен в координации убийств на Майдане, в интервью дано Захарченко в ходе его рабочего визита в Иловайск (14.10.14), в пользовании Ватиканом в военно-политических и экономических целях, в террористических актах по территории РФ, и т. д., обозначающий существование клиентов ЦРУ среды высшего офицерства ВС РФ. Хочу привлечь Ваше внимание на неотлагательность общих усилий в поисках решения, поскольку односторонне и непосредственно применяются ядерные и лазерные спутниковые оружия.
Письмо члену Верховного Суда Соединенных Штатов Америки Кларенсу Томасу размещено на:
Предлагаю отправить представителей в посольство России в Варшаве.
(As i send this e-mail the French police are illegally interfering with my laptop and talking on its audio, encouraging the assassination of political opponents. Communications possibly blocked.)
--End of message--
--Start of dialogue--
Заявка в друзья
Вчера поговарил с твоей мамой. Пишу из Варшавы, все нормально, хотел узнать о тебе.
Привет! Все нормально.
Рад услышать
а ты как,
Работа тяжелая, встречаюсь с людьми в Варшаве. Недавно создал компанию в Польше (Sp. z o.o., но я единственный работник), прожил три месяца на Украине (из июня по Август).
Вчера и сегодня писал членам Российской Академии Наук с просьбой о поддержке. Нужно привлечь внимание специалистов и ученых к серьёзному, интересному и надеюсь полезному делу
Расскажи о себе юлька
особо рассказывать нечего. меня интересует только пока совсем не сморщилась поносить красивую одежду - на шоппинг еду в милан. процедуры для омоложения еще, изучаю итальянский
как сын? а почему итальянский?
Нормально все. Мне нравится итальянская одежда. Хочу второй язык выучить, опять же пока не сморщилась, потому что всегда хотела второй язык. А в Европе вообще классно - ниже 0 температура не опускается. Много была в Италии, занимаюсь целительными медитациями Сат Нам Расаян. В Риме живет Гуру Дэв.
Скоро поеду в италью, точной даты нет. Хочу тебя видеть и крепко обнимать
Обиделась? Стыдно? Неуместно с моей стороны?
Я стараюсь изучать русский язык, ошибки ещё допускаю часто.
Нет. Я ни на что не обижаюсь. Меня в Италии интересует только одежда и еще нордические итальянцы. На севере они высокие голубоглазые, не как цыгане на юге. Сейчас думаю только как успеть заказать по старым ценам и со скидками одежду с сайта *********** У нас тут кризис и дурдом. Мне надо купить побольше одежды и обуви итальянской. Покупала с карточки приехала посылка и 2 свитера большие..... теперь надо побыстрее продать и купить еще.
То есть, ты бизнесом занимаешься? Посмотри на сайт моей компании когда нибудь, с благодарностью приму твои идеи (дезайн, продукты, итд) Помнишь одного кубинца по имени Р***, крепкий черный парень, женат уже тогда на девушке из Таджикистана
????? Я не занимаюсь никаким бизнесом. Я просто как настоящая женщина думаю про одежду и внешность. И сейчас не работаю. Ищу работу. Покупаю с кредитной карты. Потом расплачиваться 2 года. И тоже с радостью приму чью-то помощь, денежную.
Какую работу ищешь? При медленном темпе, могу в настоящий момент предложить только обмениваться идеями. впрочем, если хочешь что нибудь продать, можешь пользоваться услугами моей компании, при условии того, что продукты придерживаются норм указанных в разделе указания...
насчет Р***, хочу тебе подробности рассказать потом. это очень очень важно.
начну рассказ на английском, потом переключусь на русский
while in Ukraine, a french paramilitary group with links to the CIA and Kolomoisky, might have shot down a malaysian civilian aircraft.
the same group had taken down earlier this year another plane of the same company (**), some where in Estonia, in a clear-cut anti-communist operation, therefore, no chance for the French, Estonian (etc.) police to start criminal investigations, even in the event of direct orders from the office of the prosecutor or judge. This R***, when i met him in 2010, September, made a suggestion to secret weapons (not necessarily of mass destruction). Precisely then, a French diplomatic car was used for harassment near the building housing the Russian Anti-Monopoly Service (i took its photo) by French military agents (directly from France, real-time) that had been involved in the September 1999 apartment building bombings. A few days later, in the Moscow metro, i photographed individuals that had been indirectly involved in its 2010 bombing. Libyan military officers near the Office of the Prosecutor (Tverskaya) that i "met" (briefly saw) were alluded to by Muammar Gaddafi just before/ or during the start of the NATO invasion of Libya in 2011, and everyone knows how Gaddafi was killed. R*** and other cubans that studied in the USSR are currently-active French military spies. If the situation in Ukraine gets out of control, it might unfortunately happen, these individuals might cause great damage: believe me, it is very difficult to prove implementation of such space technology.
What concerns you directly: there is a police station on Rue de Vaugirard, Paris, where "work" some French policemen connected with Hungary (and Sarkozy) that export military terrorism to the Russian federation (CIA Aldrich - his Colombian wife - assassination of Colombian farmer in 2000). A few years ago these policemen illegally arrested me and stole documents/ photos/ etc from me. They visually edited a photograph of your mother in her ******** apartment kitchen that you had sent me, do you remember? One of the French citizens that might have benefitted the most from the "disappearance" of these papers/ data (Virginie Elaine Ruiz) had mentioned by name (Moshe Yanay) the vice-director for engineering of a USA multinational corporation (EMC Co) in Dresden, 1999, near the Japanese museum (i do not know of any way for her having had his name, except for a visit that Japanese corporate/business men made to EMC Co HQ in 1998), and afterwards in the year 2000, suggested that you, my darling, should not be trusted (one of multiple French attempts at disinformation, in this case, i still have no clue regarding her true intentions and possible accomplices in Saint Petersburg/ Leningrad (***)). These CIA criminals are implanting bio-chips on people that can be controlled by satellite and which could cause a great deal of trouble (nonstop nervous system torture or even assassinations). If by any chance your father still has connections in the FSB, tell him to transmit that in the event of ransom demands or blackmailing, the proper response is to detect from where they are running the satellite system and to hit the building with a missile (NO negotiations whatsoever).
I have complained to no avail about these French state-mafia agents in several countries and to international organizations. Vladimir Putin bears personal responsibility for multiple crimes (assassinations and mass murders, financial frauds, etc.) which foreigners have committed against Russian civilians on Russian territory (maybe in exchange for money or investments).
Теперь по-русски
мне неинтересно это все!!!!!!! И идие тоже. Сорри.
А кстати дом твоей тетки в Америке тебе не достался по наследству? Чего ты ошиваваешься везде как бедный родственник? Не круто было работать профессором в темпе?
Не спишь ночью? почему второй раз так рано в сети?
"made a suggestion to secret weapons (not necessarily of mass destruction)". In similar "fracture" fashion he reacted to my warning "be careful with the Arabs" (see (In Moscow October 2010 I met a former Cuban USSR student and visited his work office, which is in the same building as the Israeli Airlines'). I am confident that if the Russian military gets involved (after its cleansing) this mess will be over.
"maybe in exchange for money or investments" i meant the state is giving them immunity perhaps in exchange for money or investments.
На всякий случай даю мои контактные данные:
Когда приеду в италию добавлю итальянский момер.
О главном и насущном предпочитаю тебе на русском сообщать (потом, не сегодня, и только если захочешь). Уверяю, тебе будет интересно.
Я занимаюсь кундалини йогой. Утреняя садхана с 5 до 7 утра. Не употребляю спиртное и не курю.
Неинтересно ничего кроме одежды и ухода за собой противостарческого, а на это нужны деньги.
Понял. Знай юлька что ты всегда в моем сердце, когда у меня были деньги и когда их небыло вообще.
Смешно. Общаться раз в 10 лет. Когда вдруг вспомнил.
Из-за обстоятельств и людей, о которых я не мог тогда тебе рассказать, я как-то смирился не встретив тебя в Петере в 2010; представляешь ли с какой горестью это было сопряжено?
Юлия была в сети два часа назад
--End of dialogue--
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 02:20:07 +0100
Subject: At 3:19 am two French policemen (at least gangsters following orders from Paris) making noises next door room, from behind the wall, as their colleagues attack my brain with satellite weapons. They were earlier hacking my laptop while i worked.
These are highly dangerous paramilitary thugs.
AUD0155.amr audio file was sent as attachment
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Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 08:56:40 +0100
Subject: Fwd: The French bandits next door room, even during sleep, attacking my brain with satellite weapons. Recorded noises are relative lulls
AUD0156.amr audio file was sent as attachment
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Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 08:40:13 +0100
Subject: Fwd: For acting minister Andrii Deshchytsia
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Date: Mar 7, 2014 1:09 AM
Subject: For acting minister Andrii Deshchytsia
Hello Mr. Deshchytsia:
I left some documents and visual/printed information at the Ukraine embassies in Brussels, Paris and Estonia (from 2009 to 2011). There might be serious problems in the near future, which could involve both space (nuclear/ laser) weapons and extreme-right French paramilitary groups that operate in various countries. ...
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On July 16th, 2014, on the eve of the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, a Russian-speaking woman emphasized the word "Утрировать" ("exaggerate"):
--------------------START of message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 13:31:58 +0100
Subject: Утрировать
утрировать несов. и сов. перех. и неперех.
Представлять в преувеличенном виде, искажать подчеркиванием чего-л. одного.
--------------------END of message ----------
From Wikipedia:
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on Saturday, 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia to Beijing Capital International Airport, People's Republic of China. Air traffic control received the aircraft's last message at 01:20 MYT (17:20 UTC, 7 March) when it was over the South China Sea, less than an hour after takeoff. It was last plotted by military radar at 02:15 over the Andaman Sea, 320 kilometres (200 mi) northwest of Penang state in northwestern Malaysia. At 07:24, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) reported the flight missing. The aircraft, a Boeing 777-200ER, was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 15 nations.
Incident summary: Missing 239 (all)
Supposed role of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) in chronological order:
1986: Member of Cuban team to International Physics Olympiad, stay in Harrow High School (Lord byron). Our English-to-Spanish translator was a woman from Greece who spoke Spanish not very well. (Year 2000 assassination of British military attache in Athens used near British embassy in Tallinn 2013, possibly by the US Secret Service (EMC Co), photos available)
1988: Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103. Twice i spoke to a female secretary of Jacques Verges in Paris, no direct contact with the attorney (around 2006, available video). Spanish journalist that had worked in China and was living in Moscow (~1988) part of the group involved in the preparation of the September 1999 apartment buildings explosions; later she might have had a relation with an US agent of the National Security Agency (Mathematics, "real numbers" and "continuity" definitions, see below (§))
1992: Golfing David and a head trauma. Irish-American student received check for tens of thousands of USD upon admission to military academy and bought a BMW. Beginning of privatizations in Russia. London (the UK) indeed a base for international thievery
1995: Conversations with black man nicknamed "Orange" over Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Several assassinations linked to the behind-the-scenes career of V. Putin. In ~2006 it turned out that the French police had access to these online communications (which, to my knowledge, has led to no criminal investigations/indictments and possibly formed part of Sarkozy's presidential preparations)
1997-1998, Ithaca, New York / Boston Area, Massachusetts:
1. Joshua Grant Barrat, Cornell University student, whose computer was bugged by "Spanish tourists in Ithaca" and might have been used for the Omagh bombing, later briefly seen and spoken to in Paris, around the corner from "Hotel de la Paix" ...
His look-alikes fleetingly met in Copenhagen 2004 (George Bush reelection, videos available), Amsterdam (2003, Omagh bombing - Egypt Air flight 990 crash)
I met his Polish girlfriend later at the Metropolitan Museum (New York City), where she was selling/checking entrance tickets (December, 1998)
2. Susan Smith, Ithaca civilian connected with Cornell University (Quakers' meetings, Cornell mathematics professor, ongoing brutal Chechen war and (as understood later) Germans involved in mass killing in Syria, 2013) "accidentally" seen in Venice (Italy) train station, shortly after the IRA had assassinated a taxi driver in Belfast (Charles Bennett, 30 July 1999). Her "look-alike" seen in Zurich, Switzerland (2002)
3. 1640 Worcester Road: EMC Co employees (among them women from Cork) living in same condominium/ apartment building ... Man working for biotechnology company gave serious warning, which i did not understand then
Boston/ Cambridge 1998:
1. Two women crossed the street and talked to me with an English accent (EMC Co hint)
2. Scottish father-son team (street performers)
3. Alexander Gutmann following me in Boston (more precisely: keeping me under satellite surveillance in order to ensure no escape of information by exerting pressure) suggested i had been searching for Roger Griffith in the telephone directory inside a Boston downtown building. Roger Griffith and i had visited an Irish bar in Ybor City, Florida (~1993, Saint Patrick's Day)
4. Tufts University International Relations female US student took me to a talk given by Mr. Codina, Cuban writer and editor of cultural journal. She told me she was in some way connected with the demobilization of Central-American guerilla movement (and its integration into the democratic process) and that she was a friend of John Hume's daughter
5. August 17th Russian financial crisis (Russia's Central Bank devaluing the ruble and defaulting on its debt)
1998 Ireland, Omagh bombing and Irish Constitution amendments:
From Wikipedia:
The Omagh bombing on 15 August 1998 in Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, purportedly carried out by the Real IRA, an IRA splinter group who opposed the IRA's ceasefire and the Good Friday Agreement. The bombing killed 29 people and injured about 220 others.
This was the highest death toll from a single incident during the Troubles. Telephoned warnings had been sent about 40 minutes beforehand, but they were inaccurate and police had inadvertently moved people toward the bomb.
The RUC has obtained circumstantial and coincidental evidence against some suspects, but it has not come up with anything to convict anyone of the bombing
Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution, which made the irredentist claim on Northern Ireland, were amended to express an aspiration towards creating a united Ireland by peaceful means
Dresden/ Berlin 1999 - 2000 and Brussels 2000:
1. Allusions to the Real branch of the IRA by German and British (Federally-supported) military agents
2. Irishman working at Dresden Technical University's Media Laboratory, which was used by the US/British Navy (maybe also the German Navy), in the course of the Chechen war
3. Englishman made allusion to Cuban diplomat, who in London 1986 half-jokingly related attempt to go around the US embargo on the Island. Within days of the "accidental" NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, a German "couple" in Berlin hinted at Martin McGuinness, Northern Ireland minister of education. I met two Germans in Berlin, one had been involved in the "crash" of Egypt Air flight 990, the other might have had connections with the NSA
4. Female US agent in Dresden (that took me to Essen, where we briefly met the German President) "offering" me the non-remunerable (for reasons that later took on moral tones) job of managing CIA-planned regional terrorism, while insisting that today's conflicts are not territorial but rather economic. Confluence of US and German Federal programs (have these programs been approved by US lawmakers?). She was engaged in French military terrorism on Russian territory (our visit to Amsterdam) and backed by (as understood later) the so-called French anti-terrorist police. She was indirectly involved in the Armenian Parliament killings, suggestion made at the time of possible similar incident in Northern Ireland's Parliament (Stormont, Belfast). She was an advocate of de-ideologization and of the (covert) implementation of US military force. Her "name" is Colleen Smith; she was also one of the (TU Dresden) people behind the 1999 E.T.A. end-of-ceasefire televised announcement. East Timor
Dublin, April 2000: Gerry Adams look-alike seen. London was the destination of Vladimir Putin's first foreign trip as Russian president; then a Temple Bar Internet Point computer's edited text of Putin's speech contained the phrase "Jews are international thieves". Virginie Ruiz talked to a French-speaking couple (cheese sellers in the market square) and subsequently she might have been implicated in the reported bombing of a Mc Donalds in France, which killed a woman (*). In the waiting area of Heathrow International airport a man insinuated his link to EMC Co, when Virginie Elaine Ruiz made a call to my mobile phone (supposedly) from Dresden (similar pattern employed by Medvedev in 2010, as President of the Russian Federation). At Dublin airport a female cashier hinted at currency exchange manipulation. Nelson Mandela and an Irish General received Award at Trinity College: until recently civilians in several countries have implied their connection with a General.
(*) On Monday, Dec. 29th 2014 uniformed Polish policemen driving a van took part in satellite brain onslaught on Warsaw streets, while i begged for money (approximately 10 degrees celsius below zero). French policemen are hacking my laptop and using the stolen files/information to coordinate this extreme-right operation by satellite (real-time) from France: at 3:48 pm a cheese-selling company van with registration plate PL KR 328 SC parked in front of a building, where an Oscar Wilde look-alike had his "work office" in 2013. Jews and military agents walking by harassing/ provoking (photos available, my telephone remotely shut down to prevent further record-keeping)
Paris 2000:
1. Virginie Elaine Ruiz directly implicated in an assassination by E.T.A. on Spanish territory (possibly coordinated real-time by satellite). At 58 Rue Charlot her father (Claude Ruiz) said to me: "a rehearsal". Uniformed French policeman armed with submachine gun, once standing across the street
2. Plain clothes agents (as understood later, possibly connected with Neuilly sur Seine) harassing me on streets while I walked with Virginie Ruiz. One of them (man) showed me a gun tucked on waist under shirt at Gare du Nord (train station, ulterior video/ photos available)
3. On the train from Fargniers to Paris, Virginie Ruiz "out-of-the-blue" mentioned a (1987-1990) Leningrad Syrian student named Bassam; her possible motivation: connection with General Tlass (Yasser Arafat) - January 21st 2000 ETA car bomb that killed military officer in Madrid, Spain - Nation of Islam (Swiss Air flight 111 "crash"). Police-supported individuals in several countries that manipulate Goopgle's search engine at least once used the string "Basam" and have also insinuated:
a) Vietnam
b) Brutal torture-to-death video used for street harassment (the night before i first saw the clip, a paramilitary activist in L'vov had told me ~"people come from all over Ukraine to rub that little finger", referring to a statue):
Manhattan, February 2001:
Civilians that knew about the upcoming twin towers plane attacks (as understood later) (briefly seen)/(passed me) by, among them:
1. French daughter-mother couple at International Youth Hostel. Another French daughter-mother team in Copenhagen (2004, videos/photos available)
2. ...
1. 1990 (GDR/ Bundesrepublik Deutschland) prisons system psychologist gay German's boyfriend: Irishman named Colin, girlfriend: German prostitute that had worked in NYC
2. ~1993, Florida: Personable Asian-Jamaican male friend of above-mentioned US military agent (§). Vietnamese man's armed? standoff with trying-to-evict-him policemen (US military mother-son duo among my neighbors). Secretary of University Mathematics Department: former Vietnam military pilot. Guantanamo base- crash of Gulf Air plane (see below). "Red-haired" Japanese woman taking expensive private (pilot courses)
3. ~1996 I went up to the South Tower's rooftop observation deck; unasked-for comment from woman pointing to building: "that is the courthouse". Hint at Afghanistan (as understood later)
Florida,around May 2001: Attempt to blame the IRA for the August 24th 2000 Gulf Air plane crash near US military base in Bahrain (jump of oil prices - Vienna - Brussels - Kursk submarine disaster). 1997 EMC Co's Quality Control section chief engineer was a man from Poland. In 2012-2013 i met a woman in Tallinn that uses (laser/nuclear) satellite weapons, who claimed having worked in Bahrain and having been fired from Gulf Air (photos available, she supposedly later married an American)
Extract from the recently-updated military doctrine of the Russian Federation:
15. Характерные черты и особенности современных военных конфликтов:
(15. Characteristic features and particularities of modern armed conflicts)
б) массированное применение систем вооружения и военной техники, высокоточного, гиперзвукового оружия, средств радиоэлектронной борьбы, оружия на новых физических принципах, сопоставимого по эффективности с ядерным оружием, информационно-управляющих систем, а также беспилотных летательных и автономных морских аппаратов, управляемых роботизированных образцов вооружения и военной техники;
b) massive use of weapons systems and military technology, highly accurate, hyper-sound weapons, means of radio-electronic warfare, weapons based on new physical principles, comparable by effectiveness to nuclear weapons, information-control systems, and also ...
Frankfurt am Main 2002: Conversation with English man that asserted being a functionary of the British Prisons System. This individual was then locally supported by right-wing (US) paramilitary activists and might have been directly involved in savage satellite torture in two adjacent hostels on 11/13 Rue Gambey, Paris, 75011 (2009-2010)
Copenhagen 2004: David Trimble look-alike filmed in a public cafe (video and photos available), this man? had been in a Dresden bar (prior to)/ (connected with) the crash of Egypt Air flight 990 and the Armenian Parliament shooting (31st and 27th October, 1999)
2010, Brussels, conversation with agent of the FBI in the US embassy:
1. JFK look-alike. He had told me, when I telephoned the US embassy from the house of a (Belgian police)-supported activist, "I do not care what happens to you." Protestant kindergarden and Belgian children used by Jews (mostly women) that were focused on the White House (photos available). On June 2, 2010 a "disgruntled Iranian man" shot and killed a magistrate and clerk on the premises of Brussels courthouse (uniformed Belgian policemen involved); similar paramilitary (South African - corporate) operations were documented with photographs
2. 1999 plane accident in which JFK junior died, might have comprised workers of a Dresden Italian restaurant: a Georgian (Грузия) woman and a Spanish couple. Italian male attorney, with whom I spoke on the phone in 2012 from an office of Talinn's WTC, suggested he knew the identity of above-mentioned FBI agent
2013: Black man assassinated with knife a British soldier in London. I was approached by a black man in Warsaw in such context; Jewish related activism photographed in Kiev, Ukraine (2014)
2014: Estonian bank used by Northern Ireland activists in Tallinn. Extreme-right individuals with access to millions (from private and state funds) caught on camera in Tallinn during the annexation (reunification) of Crimea by (with) the Russian Federation